Commercial - a television or radio advertisement; funded by the revenue from broadcast advertisements; intended to make a profit
Propaganda - information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view
When reading these two definitions, it is clear that these are two different things. A commercial is something normally seen by everyone. It is advertising a product for sale with that company attempting to make money by what they are selling to the public. On the other hand, propaganda, is something used during politics, very biased, and normally has some sort of negative meaning in regards to the other side.

Yet, when looking deeper in to commercials and propaganda, I believe that are both the same in a few ways.
First, both are bias. Propaganda is bias in the sense that it is totally for one side and could say negative things or make false accusations for the opposing side. Along with that, commercials can be bias in many different ways. For example, commercials have so much gender stereotyping.
Ex: women come across as sensitive, romantic, and attractive / men are smart, powerful, and

Second, both can have a misleading nature. Propaganda many say many negative things about an opposing side in order to achieve what they want and make their stance look greater and better. Commercials are deceptive in the fact that they don't always correctly advertise an item. An example of this is many food commercials. On television, the food portrayed always looks well made and put together. Yet, when you go to the restaurant, it almost always looks nothing like how it was shown.

Third, regardless of the misleading nature or bias approaches, both propaganda and commercials are selling something. Whether it be an item, a political stance or person, or a vacation destination, both are trying to get the point across that they want you to buy or agree with them.